Join the Movement.

"Protecting & Advocating for every tenant's right to safe, affordable, quality housing. "

We believe in educating tenants, elevating tenant voices and empowering impacted people to be participants in the processes and policies that impact their lives.
Tenant Rights & Responsibilities
On The Road!
Join Our Monthly Meetings!

Empowering the Community
Founded in 2023, Dayton Tenant Union is a community group that advocates for tenant rights. We provide resources and support for tenants, including connecting them with attorneys, educating them about their rights, and advocating for improved housing policies. We believe everyone deserves a safe and stable home, and we work to make that a reality. We believe in elevating tenant voices and empowering impacted people to participate in the processes and policies that affect their lives.

Help Us Make a Difference.

Our Mission
The mission of The Dayton Tenant Union is to protect and advocate for every tenant's right to safe, equitable, affordable, and quality housing. We believe that everyone deserves a voice in shaping their community, and we work to empower individuals to make a difference. Whether through advocacy campaigns or community organizing, we are committed to creating a more just and equitable society.
Access to counsel: To ensure tenants have an attorney for eviction hearings.
Enforcement of current tenant protections
Pathways to homeownership
Ordinance for mold remediation
Enforcement and modification of code standards for housing conditions
Critical repairs for tenants and homeowners
Opportunities for community-controlled property ownership
Tenant Union Meetings
The Dayton Tenant Union hosts monthly meetings on the first Saturday of each month from 4 pm to 530pm at the Gem City Market, 324 Salem Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, 45406.
Monthly meetings provide a space for tenants to connect with an attorney, learn about protections and resources, and organize to have a more significant impact on housing outcomes. Please join us!
For additional information on upcoming engagement opportunities, please visit our event calendar or email us!

Having housing issues?
The Dayton Tenant Union is always seeking new ways that we can serve tenants and improve the quality of life for us all. If you are a tenant currently having challenges related to housing, please submit the tenant inquiry form, which can be found at the link below. Here are a few ways that we help;
Connecting tenants to an attorney or legal counsel
Referrals for support services
Grassroots strategies for tenant solutions: organizing rent escrow, media coverage for landlord accountability.
Assistance with minor emergency tenant needs
The Dayton Tenant Union is excited to launch a new series of tenant education sessions around Montgomery County, Ohio. These sessions will cover all things community should know related to rights and responsibilities of renting. You asked and we heard you! To get involved in this effort or to host a tenant edcuation session in your community or site, please reach out to us!